
Sunday, 14 March 2010

Yubinuki 4

I did say that I wouldn't make anymore of these rings for a while but what did I find myself making last night??? Yes you guessed it.

I had been thinking of making a bracelet size for my niece.  She is only 2 so it needed to be a little tougher than one made with a cardboard base.  I used two staggered layers of template plastic. Also seeing as it will probably get grubby it needed to be at least surface washable.  I don't imagine it will last too long, but then it only took an hour or so to make, and is only made with cotton top stitch and twill tape so it needed be a treasured keepsake.  I think my stitching is progressing quite well with the top and bottom edges quite uniform on thin one.  The twill tape was a little too thick for folding over and there is a slightly wider section accompanied with a bump where the join is.  The thickness of the fabric was good in protecting the plastic layers.  This one is made with 4 colours in a 2:1 stitch.  There are 16 sections and the circ is 15.5cm. I am sure this would look better with bias tape (no bump) but to be honest I was just too lazy (and to be really honest time stingy) to make my own bias from fabric in my stash.

Here is a comparison pic with the other Yubinuki I have made this week.

Ooh doesn't that middle one look nasty on the edges.  These are all stitched in the same way making X shapes around the ring. They only look different because the top one has two colours the middle has three and the bottom uses 4 colours.

Just in case you think I have abandoned temari making... I haven't... I have marked 3 balls this week. One each in  C8, C10 and S10.  If I get some time today I might even make some more bases for the new stitching challenge that Barb Suess is running on TC starting on the 15th.... I think I need a 24 cm base to make a braided Kiku design.  Also the same day Barb's SLS Sunflowers Class (which I signed up a bit late for) will commence... come on postman deliver my threads please!  At least tomorrow is actually Tuesday (I hear you all saying huh???) but what I mean is that while the class begins on Monday in the USA it will already be Tuesday here by then, so the postman still has two delivery days to get those little lovelies on my door step.


  1. Love the colors in the bracelet ring for the baby. Well done!

  2. Thank you Laura B. Dali (my gorgeous niece) really liked it. She, of course, was much happier with the Sakura shaped mini soaps I gave to her at the same time.. not that I mind at all because I made them too :) and at least I know she will be happy to keep her little hands clean. (She is addicted to soap like I am addicted to temari)

  3. What a pretty color combo and I especially like the textured liner-fabric!

    Kat in Texas

  4. Hello Rebecca, you did fablous job with your niece's blacelet. I think using a twil tape for a lining is a good idea for small children. Chloe Patricia

  5. Thank you Kat and Chloe Patricia. I really enjoy making Yubinuki.
