
Friday, 20 March 2009

A gift for Amelia

This temari has been made by Rebecca for our friend's new baby. It has a foam core which was split in half and hollowed out then filled with bells, a coin and a note.

The bells are for joy. The money is for prosperity.

The notepaper has Amelia's name written on it and a wish for her good health, happiness and longevity throughout her life.

The temari was wrapped in 3 pinks and then divided into
S16 in silver.

The stitching is done in 3 shades of pinks and purple. The obi is made of 12 wraps in 3 colours then overstitched with the net design.

While I stitched the design I filled my mind with the good wishes written on the note paper. I really think it turned out beautifully.

The pattern is based on two projects from Barb Suess's book.

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