
Saturday, 5 June 2010

International Temari Appreciation Day Proposal

I am a night owl, often staying awake well past 1 or 2 am. Usually I spend these hours stitching, but sometimes my eyes just wont last for stitching, especially if I've already spent a few hours making thimbles.
A while ago I was doing some night surfing on the net.   I was checking out the earth calendar site  because I wanted to try to associate my posts a little more with what is happening about the place... also I thought it might inspire my temari making.  Anyway, this is how I discovered that there are only 6 days in the whole year not already slated for a recognised holiday. Then I had an idea ....

What about an international day of celebration for our craft of temari??? Hey, if doughnuts can get a day we should be able to too.

These are the dates that are not currently holidays anywhere in the world (so far as I am aware) so one of these would be great for an international celebration date for temari making/appreciation:

  • 23/1
  • 13/2
  • 20/2
  • 20/4
  • 22/10
  • 29/12
What day do you think is a good day? 

How could we celebrated it? So far I can think of:
  • Get an exhibition at your local library or arts center.
  • Host a local stitching day.
  • Share temari making with someone new.
  • Show your first temari (mine is scary) and your newest.
  • Share a story about how you learned about temari.
  • Share/swap your temari with another temari maker.
  • Mention it on your blog/website (if you have one... with a special project).
  • Share a photo in a flickr group file dedicated to the day.
Do you have a different/better idea? I'm sure you do. Please share it.

I am happy to coordinate/sponsor the day. I know several English speaking temari makers throughout Australia, USA, England, Canada etc but I'd also love to get the Japanese, French, Dutch, Greek, Russian temari makers (and any other country that makes temari) in on an international celebration too. Any ideas how to make it a truly global celebration?

If you have any ideas please leave a message... don't worry you wont be volunteering for anything you don't want to if you leave a message. Love to hear from you all if you have any thoughts.

I created this button and now I am trying to work out how to write the programming for it. (Not my specialty but I'll see how I go)

Just so you know....
My next post is definitely going to be about an actual temari I have stitched..... I've been so bad.


  1. A day dedicated to Temari sounds like a great idea! What does one do to get this recognized and how can I help?

  2. Got the button to work! Yay! Please send me a message if you want the code to add to your site.
