
Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Hello Beautiful Temari People,

Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas (to those that celebrate it) and Happy Holidays (to those that don't). Thank you for taking time out to read our blog throughout 2009. I know that many of us are not so lucky to be physically surrounded by other temari makers.

I have just turned off my oven for the first time in 3 or 4 days.  I've had no time for stitching this week because I've been madly making my Christmas lunch contribution which is 'Desserts'.  We all have a designated 'course' to provide for our family luncheon.   We have a mass of people for lunch... and it gets bigger every year... we always invite friends who may not be able to be with their own family on the day - our motto is no one should be alone at Christmas - so it is a mish-mash of odd chairs, glassware, plates and cuisine (because eveyone brings something).  We always have the most lovely time.  A fun thing we do it a secret santa.  Everyone brings one wrapped gift that they can purchase (worth no more than $20) or make (or be something regifted - you know useful and nice but not for the current owner) and we draw numbers from a hat and take turns in selecting a gift from under the tree.  Last year (and because it was so fun we will do it this year) we made a new rule that the successive gift takers could opt to take the gift from anyone who had previously opened a gift should they like it instead of choosing a wrapped gift then the giftless person gets another pic.  Last year someone put in a Japanese dancing dragon figure (the type that dances at new year) ... wow did that get stolen over and over... In previous years it has been large bags of fertilizer with potting mix that were stolen again and again.  This time I have put in a huge box of luxury toilet paper rolls (I checked it would be ok with Suzanne first) we both believe it will be the present to beat this year.

I am lucky to enjoy baking so I can avoid cooking the roast meat or going to the fish monger for the seafood.  This year my contribution is the following: Baby Toffee Tartlets with Pecan & Macadamia, Mini Pudding Cakes with lashings of Brandy Butter, Smashed Raspberry & Meringue Icecream, Hazelnut & Kaluha Chocolate Icecream Cake, Vanilla Baked Cheescake and a Second Birthday cake for my little Niece who is lucky enough to have her birthday on Christmas Day.  I don't know what else we will have on the table but I am sure that there will be no shortage of sweet things to eat...

I hope you find something lovely under your tree, the weather not too hot or cold whereever you are and you are surrounded by those that you love. Best wishes, stay safe and I look forward to posting to you all again in 2010...

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