
Thursday, 26 November 2009

Long time no type!

Hello world!  We have had a very busy patch for the last month and I know it's not going to get any quieter before January so I have wrung a few minutes out of the day to add to our blog.  Thanks to all our visitors over the last month... even when there was nothing new to look at...

All the house moving is finally finished... although there are still some boxes to unpack.  The new baby (my Bro and SIL's) is almost here... we are running a pool and my money is on December 8 which would make exactly 2 weeks between each of the kids birthdays (Dec 8, Dec 25 and Jan 8).  The last month or so has been jam packed full of bad vibes, family drama, broken toilets, damaged boats, re-called cars, dodgy ISP service and arguements with the Insurance company.  In addition I have let myself get a bit distracted from actual temari making and have been working on making soaps and wire jewellery.

But I am back in the temari stitch because I realise I can't quite make sense of the world without it.  I hadn't stitched more than a few stitches for almost 5 weeks and over that time I became so stressed out, run down and sick I spent 4 days in hospital last week with some mysterious and inexplicable illness.  No Doctor can quite work out what went wrong or how to fix it (despite 2 biopsies, 4 sets of blood work and a swab test) so I eventually came home with 3 more courses of antibiotics... a nice addition to the intraveneous and oral antibiotics I've already had over the last 10 days.

People often find taking on a hobby to be therapeutic and I often tell people I do temari to keep me sane.  They give me a strange look when I tell them this, but I really believe it is true.  Life can be so hectic with it's hurly burly and hustle bustle.  There seems to be endless complication and noise, so it is so lovely to have a craft such as temari to take one away from all the mayhem and be instantly transported to a peaceful space.  Once I begin to stitch the rest of the world just melts away and all that seems to exist is calm and quiet.  Even when stitching a 'challenging' design it is amazing how relaxing it is to work out the puzzle of how each stitch works in concert to build the pattern.

So whilst I am fairly sure and very hopeful that I will make a complete recovery in the near future.... here is what this experience has taught me.

Distraction is sometimes the best medicine - use your hobby to help you process your life (or escape it temporarily) If you don't have a hobby get one... may I recommend temari?

Eat well: include lots of fresh fruit and veges, drink lots of water (thanks Mum)

Try to sleep whenever you can and keep yourself recharged. You can burn the candle at both ends but you risk burning yourself completely out.

Clean out the people who continually make your life hell - even if they are in your family or friend network. Sometimes these people are making you sick.

Go to the Doc if you think you don't feel quite right, and I they can't/don't help change Doc's or atleast get a second opinion.

Always have some cash in your rainy day fund.

Don't keep the 'yucky' perfume in the heavy glass bottle on the toilet window sill - it will eventually get knocked onto the bowl and smash it!

Surround yourself with people who support you (and who you can support) in good and bad times.

Sometimes you need to be a little selfish and take some me time.

It helps to have a friend that works at the hospital you are admitted to... especially on the ward you end up in.

And last of all....  A stitch a day keeps the Doctor away!!!  So stitch every day!!!

Since I started stitching again while in hospital this week our insurance company has come good on the toilet claim, the recall on the car has been resolved and we have won the lottery twice (two draws in a row - just pizza money but it is still a win)

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