I noticed at the beginning of this year that I did not post last year. NOT EVEN ONCE! Oops, but I spent the first half of the year planning a family holiday which we took over 5 weeks during July/August and the second half of the year recovering from it. LOL
We visited a lot of places in Europe, the UK and Ireland but although we saw and did so many things we barely scratched the surface.
I am going to post a few moments from our trip over the next few months. Hope you don't mind... actually hope you enjoy seeing these posts.
We travelled from Perth, stopping at Doha and Frankfurt, to Dublin.
I remember the flights were long!
We forget how far away we are in Australia until we decide to travel to the Northern Hemisphere. We flew with Qatar Airlines to Frankfurt where we got lost in the airport and somehow managed to get out of the transit lounge which meant I got a very intense pat down in the middle of the airport while going back to board the plane. Not sure what warranted it but let's say there wasn't much that was left un-felt. Ick what a violation of my rights!!
We flew Air Lingus to Ireland and the thing that struck me the most was how truly green the land was as we first saw it. Well it is the Emerald Isle after all but I still didn't expect the green to be so green.
We took a
Green Bus Tour and hopped on and off around the city over two days. Some of the drivers we absolutely hilarious as they gave live commentary including on occasion commenting on the crazy traffic conditions. We stopped by to visit Oscar Wilde (his statue anyway) and the
Little Dublin Museum. The men went to Temple Bar.
I really loved the afternoon we spent at
Dublinia where we got to experience the long history of Ireland, Vikings, Middle Ages and more were all exhibited in interactive displays. Of course no trip to Dublin could be complete without including a visit to the
Guinness Storehouse (where I couldn't bring myself to drink more than a sip of my pint).
The pint I couldn't drink, another in our group was so happy! |
More of Ireland next time.