My Mum and my birthday are about a month apart, this year we are both celebrating 'O' birthdays so on the 16th of June we decided to combine our parties and have a ladies high tea with our girlfriends. We said it was for our 100th... I'll let you do the math.
We love to give party favours and worked furiously to make some for this party. Here is a selection of what we offered for our guests to choose from.
Tiny handbags filled with a selection of lavender, rose or cinnamon to hang in the wardrobe or anywhere else. These were lots of fun to make and Mum did all the hand stitching (the job I dislike) while I did the machine stitching (the job Mum has no confidence in doing - although she is quite good at it). We got to use up some of my compulsively purchased fabric stash. Love the crown fabric.
Next is lip balms in 3 flavours. Mango, vanilla and chocolate. This was fun to do too, and was the first time Mum had made lip balms. We spent ages sniffing all the various flavours before deciding on these three. Because it is winter here we though lip balm was a perfect takeaway to keep everyone's lips soft and kissable.
We also made a range of scented soaps. We printed the tea cup images on wate
r slide paper so it will dissolve when it gets used and there will be no pulpy mess in the shower. The was vanilla, ginger-nut, plum tea, cranberry pomegranate and several others. Each soap had a clear layer followed by the image and a white layer which was finished off with a coloured layer to represent each fragrance. We had to keep filling up the basket. Don't they look cute?

The next few images are from the main table. There were several flavours of cupcakes and lemon meringues plus non dairy cakes, my first ever gluten free chocolate cake (which didn't taste half bad despite the lack of gluten) and of course the brownies in a bottle.
I baked six boxes of cake and other sweets for the party and because there were no men around to count our calories for us we and our guests managed to devour almost all of them.

I did forget to refill the caramel pecan nut tarts, so when the boys arrived back from golf they tucked into them. I forgot to take pictures of the savoury food, but there were also sandwiches, cheese and crackers and several varieties of mini quiches along with Miho's most delicious sushi and meatballs. We also had champers (oops I mean sparking wine) with many options for teas and coffees.
Although we had both expressly requested no gifts, we were both showered with flowers and gifts which left us both feeling

truly spoilt.
It was wonderful to have such a lovely party with so many amazing ladies. We are really blessed.
The last picture is my gratuitous 'arty' shot of the champagne (sorry sparkling wine) flutes ready to be filled and clinked... maybe I need to take a photography class.
So there you have it, this has been one of the many reasons my temari stitching time has been so limited lately.