
Friday, 30 October 2009

.... And were back!

Just when you thought we temari addicts had fallen off the planet... were back!!

Phew... what a busy month.  So much goes on at this time of year there hardly seems a moment to stop and stitch.  Ok that is a smallish fib.... truthfully there has been time but my 'temari mind' had been a subborn and petulant child of late and has been wandering off to try new and exciting projects such as soapmaking, wire jewellery, dressmaking and so on.

So here is a little update to get back on track. 

We are all happy campers again, all fit and healthy too.  The majority of our group are still on their holidays to Japan and Egypt etc and the rest of us are busy moving houses etc... (one house moved and only three to go...) and one of us is counting down the weeks to the birth of baby #2.

We had a great day at the Steiner School open day in Nollamara last weekend.  Our stall was a conglomerate of sorts consisting of all our various crafty pursuits and several of our crafty buddies also joined in with their wares.  Our stall had temari (of course) some for sale and some just for display, stone art plaques and brooches, button & fabric hair accessories and rings, jewel and button magnets, jimbei (Japanese style childrens pjs that are just too cute), bath salts, tablecloths, caramel corn, wired jewellery, journals, bookmarks and so on... a real cornucopia of items.

We filled my fave big silver display bowl and decorated a small table top Christmas tree with temari balls.  It looked so cute, I really need to get cracking on some balls for our tree... perhaps it can be a long term plan for next year....

As usual I got too busy chatting about temari and I forgot to take photos but some of the other girls did so I will try to get some posted here.

We all had a fab day even in the heat and despite the fact Miho, Suzanne and I were exhausted from stripping wall paper and shifting boxes the previous day.  There were loads of lovely things to see at other stalls and most of the girls at our stall wandered off to spend their takings at other stalls.  I remained with our store all day as I was under strict instruction to NOT BUY ANYTHING from my DH.... boys... they just don't understand sometimes!! LOL

I have purchased a pop up light box to use to take temari pics from now on so I hope that future pics will be gorgeous!!!  Just need to get into stitching again so I have something to photograph {big wide grin here}

Well that brings us up to date again.